Most Android phones loses its speed as soon as the number of apps increase and run out of storage. Most Android phones run out of storage but does not has many files. That is due to collection of junks. Those cannot be deleted manually. Some install File managers and try to remove those. But most easiest and safest way is to use app specified for that job. Speed Booster is such application available on play store.
Speed Booster is the smallest or light weight phone optimizing application found on play store. This application comes with many other features like CPU performance optimizer, Junk files cleaner, helps to make your battery last longer, RAM booster and many other features. You can use all those optimization features to increase your phone speed. No need to buy new phone. If you does not manage your phone correctly your new phone too get slowed and lost its performance quickly. Use booster application like this to manage all your apps, files and other tasks.
Features of Bee Booster
Phone Speed Booster – You can automatically boost performance of your apps, games by cleaning RAM from unwanted apps, tasks and etc. Speeding up your phone also helps to save your battery life too.
Junk Cleaner – This is one of the best and mostly used feature. As you know it is hard to clean your storage when it is full of junks. It is hard to find junk files from other system and app files. Use this application to clean all junks in Android storage like caches, residuals from updates, residuals from uninstalled apps, downloaded files, duplicates downloaded from chats and more.
CPU Cooler – Does your phone get hotter with little use or without using it. It means your phone has many unwanted application. Sometimes you may have install apps and forgot about it. Those applications run on background even you are not using them. Those background services are used to push advertisements, updates and more. Cleaning those unwanted apps and tasks helps to reduce CPU workload. When the amount of CPU workload is low, it will run cooler than before. That helps to keep your phone cooler.
Apps Manager – As discussed above removing unwanted apps helps to run your phone faster and cooler. Use App Manager to easily remove unwanted apps including older hidden ones.
Fast – This is a light weight Android cleaning tool that run on all most all Android phones without any performance issue. Since this application require little space, no need to worry about storage space too. Use one touch feature to optimize your Android phone faster and quickly.
Install Speed Booster App
First open Google play store application and go to search. Then type “speed booster”. You will see this application on search results like below picture.

Now select “Install” to begin installation.

Not good as expected. Trying something else like clean master or Avg cleaner.