Higher internal memory of your android will allow you to involve with many knowledge and desires that you want to try in this modern world full of information. It will allow you to take snapshots at your memorable moments without getting anxious by seeing the message oh! Memory full. Only a clean android without any unwanted things will help you with this. So how can you remove these unwanted things and increase your internal memory? The best choice for you is to download and install an App that will help to remove the unnecessary things. What is the finest App that will help you to achieve the goal? Try the App Clean Master.

Clean Master Apk is a best option that will be beneficial for you to clean up your android. It will keep your android clean and tidy. Once you download and install the App in your android and open it you can see a start-up page with some options including:
- Junk files
- Phone boost
- CPU cooler
- Battery saver
- Notification cleaner
- Antivirus
When you scroll down further you can see more options like
- Message security
- AppLock
- Wi-Fi Security
- Clean Whatsapp
- Safe Browsing
From these options you can see some features in the Clean Master App like clean junk files, notification cleaner, whatsapp cleaner etc. that will help to delete unwanted files from your Android. There are some ways that your android can get filled with the junk files: junk files are the unwanted unnecessary files that will be stored up in your device. These junk files can be categorized in to several categories as residual junk files, cache junk files, ad junks etc. Existence of the junk files have no any use for the performance of the android. These junk files are normally generated by most of the Apps in your Android. Cleaning up these junk files lead to free up your internal memory ranging from few megabytes to gigabytes.
And in addition almost all Apps in your android generate notifications and these notifications get stored up in your android. Similar to junk files these notifications are also of temporary use and deleting will lead to smooth functioning of the device by saving your internal memory to store important files for you.
There is another option in Clean Master for you to remove junk files that are generated by the whatsapp. If you are an active whatsapp user then it is of greater advantage for you. By clicking once on this option will delete the whatsapp junk files and it asks some choice of you to delete unnecessary files from your Whatsapp.
Moreover this App will help you to delete malicious files from your device though the option antivirus. It provide opportunity to scan your device within few minutes and if you want you can run a deep scan for advance cleaning.
All the above mentioned features of this amazing App definitely help you to keep your Androids internal memory free. So try this App Clean Master and your worries about internal memory will solve.